The detailed reference for the Yao command. ## Available Commands | Command | Description | Example | | ------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------- | | [yao start](#yao-start) | Start the built-in http server | `yao start` | | [yao run](#yao-run) | Run a process | `yao run` | | [yao migrate](#yao-migrate) | Migrate the database, build the schema | `yao migrate` | | [yao version](#yao-version) | Display the version of Yao | `yao version --all` | | [yao inspect](#yao-inspect) | Inspect the application configuration | `yao inspect` | | [yao sui build](#yao-sui-build) | Build the SUI page | `yao sui build web default` | | [yao sui watch](#yao-sui-watch) | Watch the SUI page changes, and rebuild automatically | `yao sui watch web default` | | [yao help](#yao-help) | Display help information for the Yao command | `yao help` | **❗ Yao command should be executed in the root directory of the project.** ## Yao Start `yao start [--debug] [--disable-watching]` Start the built-in http server. ```bash # Start the application server yao start # Start the application server in debug mode yao start --debug # Start the application server in debug mode and disable watching yao start --debug --disable-watching # Display help information for the Yao start command yao start --help ``` ## Yao Run `yao run <process> [-s | --silent] [...args]` The yao run command is used to execute a single process. If the argument is an object, use the '::' prefix to pass the object as a string. ```bash # Run a process yao run yao run 1 '::{"select": ["id", "name"]}' yao run scripts.tests.Hello 'Hello, Yao!' # Run a process in silent mode yao run --silent yao run --silent 1 '::{"select": ["id", "name"]}' yao run -s scripts.tests.Hello 'Hello, Yao!' # Display help information for the Yao run command yao run --help ``` ## Yao Migrate `yao migrate [-n | --name <model_id>] [--reset] [--force]` Migrate the database, build the schema ```bash # Migrate the database, build the schema yao migrate # Migrate the database, build the schema and force yao migrate --force # Migrate the database, build the schema and reset yao migrate --reset # Migrate the database, build the schema and specify the model ID yao migrate --name yao migrate -n ``` ## Yao Version `yao version [--all]` Display the version of Yao ```bash # Display the version of Yao yao version # Display the version of Yao and all dependencies yao version --all ``` ## Yao Inspect `yao inspect` Inspect the application configuration ```bash # Inspect the application configuration yao inspect ``` ## Yao SUI Build `yao sui build <sui_id> <template_name>` Build the SUI page ```bash yao sui build web default ``` ## Yao SUI Watch `yao sui watch <sui_id> <template_name>` Watch the SUI page changes, and rebuild automatically ```bash yao sui watch web default ``` ## Yao Help Display help information for the Yao command ```bash yao help ```