Use YAO Widget to create a dynamic forms system

​​70% of the functions of most business systems and admin panel are the addition, deletion, modification. The implementation of these functions is mainly based on copying and pasting modified fields. This article will try to write such functionality in a more elegant "copy-paste" way. If you want to say goodbye to tedious repetitive work, or you need to build your own cloud form system, the following content can help you.


Through the form editor, online design and production of form function modules. Function modules suitable for user management, supplier management, order management and other form CURD operations.



Source address:

One-click deployment:

build tools

YAO App Engine

YAO is an open-source application engine, written in Golang, in the form of a command-line tool that can be downloaded and used immediately. It is suitable for developing business systems, website/APP API, admin panel, self-built low-code platforms, etc.

YAO adopts a flow-based programming model to implement various functions by writing YAO DSL (Logical Description in JSON format) or using JavaScript to write processes. The YAO DSL can be written in several ways:

  1. Purely hand-written

  2. Use automated scripts to generate contextual logic

  3. Use the visual editor to create by "drag and drop"

GitHub Repo: Github Stars: 4.3K License: Apache 2.0 Documentation:

YAO Widget

YAO abstracts common function modules into widgets, describes differences through YAO DSL, and quickly replicates various functions. During development, if you develop a similar function module, you need to copy and paste the existing functions and replace the differences in batches. YAO provides a new way to use DSL to describe the difference content and quickly "copy and paste" a function module to improve development efficiency.

YAO has a built-in set of Widgets, covering most of the common functions of application development.

Built-in WidgetFunction
modelData Structure Modeling
flowData logic arrangement
tabletable CURD
chartdata chart
loginUser login
registerUser registration
taskConcurrent tasks
scheduleScheduled tasks

Widget supports developer customization, which can customize DSL based on its own business logic characteristics, and quickly copy various general functions. This article will implement a cloud table system by custom Widget.

Actual combat: Simple and practical cloud form system

Part I: Making a dyform Widget

Preparation: Install the YAO command

To read the following content, you need to have basic programming ability, familiar with RESTFul API, relational database, JavaScript language and other programming common sense. Reference Document Getting Started Guide, install the YAO command (version: v0.10.1) locally, and be familiar with the basic usage.

Create a project:

# Create a project folder
mkdir -p /your/project/root
# Initialize the project
yao init
# Create data table & initialize menu
yao migrate && yao run flows.setmenu

Step 1: Design the Widge DSL structure

Design the DSL structure according to the business logic features. In this example, the differences between different tables are table fields, searchers, and table names. dyform Widget DSL data structure:

"name": "TEST",
"decription": "A TEST DYFORM",
"columns": [
"title": "First Name",
"name": "name",
"type": "input",
"search": true,
"props": {
"placeholder": "Please input your first name"
"title": "Amount",
"name": "amount",
"type": "input",
"search": true,
"props": {
"placeholder": "Please input amount"
"title": "Description",
"name": "desc",
"type": "textArea",
"props": {
"placeholder": "Please input Description"


titleThe title displayed in the table
nameField name, corresponding to database field name
typeThe component used when filling out the form
propsComponent properties
searchWhether this field can be used as a filter item

Create a dyforms file for saving the DSL

cd /your/project/root
mkdir dyforms

Save the above DSL to the dyforms/demo.form.json file for debugging.

Step 2: Create the dyform Widget

Create the dyform widget:

cd /your/project/root
mkdir -p widgets/dyform
# create widget file
touch widgets/dyform/widget.json # Widget basic information
touch widgets/dyform/compile.js # dyform DSL compiler
touch widgets/dyform/process.js # dyform handler
touch widgets/dyform/export.js # dyform exports built-in widget definitions

Tip: YAO custom widgets are placed in the widgets directory, which needs to be created manually.

Use an editor to open dyform/widget.json and fill in the basic information of the dyform widget

"label": "Dynamic Form",
"description": "A form widget. users can design forms online",
"version": "0.1.0",
"root": "dyforms",
"extension": ".form.json",
"modules": ["Models", "Tables"]

Field Description:

Configuration ItemsDescription
labelWidget name, displayed in the visual editor.
descriptionWidget introduction, displayed in the visual editor.
versionversion number
rootDSL file save path (relative to the project root directory)
extensionDSL file extension
modulesModules that need to be exported. According to the DSL description in export.js, the converted YAO built-in widgets. Such as model, table, etc. These widgets are equivalent to DSL files saved in the project directory.

Step 3: Write the dyform handler

Write dyform/process.js script, implement Model, Table processor, convert custom DSL into YAO data model widget and table widget.

Write the Export function, declare the processor to be exported, View source

function Export() {
return { Model: "Model", Table: "Table" };

Implement Model & Table processor logic

ProcessorDescriptionSource link
ModelConvert dyform DSL to model DSL, which is equivalent to manually writing a xxx.mod.json DSL file in the models folder[View source]( main/widgets/dyform/process.js#L11)
TableConvert dyform DSL to table DSL, which is equivalent to manually writing a xxx..json DSL file in the tables folder[View source]( /widgets/dyform/process.js#L27)

Tip: It is recommended to use the yao run command to debug the processor, refer to the source code comment documentation.

Step 4: Export as Model & Table widget

Write dyform/export.js script, implement Models, Tables functions, export as YAO model & table widgets.

Export functionDescriptionSource code link
ModelsCall the Model processor to export the Yao model widget, the data structure is {MODEL_NAME:String: Model_DSL:Object}[View source code]( /dyform/export.js#L10)
TablesCall the Table processor, export it as Yao table widget, the data structure is: {TABLE_NAME:String: Table_DSL:Object}[View source code]( /widgets/dyform/export.js#L24)


In the dyforms folder, add the xxx.form.json file and write the dyform DSL description file to quickly create a set of form management modules, form APIs, form processors and model processors.


Use the yao migrate command to create the data table structure, the yao start command to start the service, and log in to the management interface to use the table management function. Routing address:

Part II: Save the dyform DSL to the database for dynamic read and write

If you want to open the form making function to the user, and the code directory should be set to read-only under normal circumstances, it is impossible to dynamically create a DSL file. With a little modification to the dyform widget, save the dyform DSL in the database.

Step 1: Create a template model to store the dyform DSL

How to create and use data models models/template.mod.json and manage tables tables/, refer to Model and Table

models/template.mod.json is as follows

"name": "Template",
"table": { "name": "template", "comment": "For dyform DSL source" },
"columns": [
{ "label": "ID", "name": "id", "type": "ID", "comment": "ID" },
{ "label": "Name", "name": "name", "type": "string", "index": true },
"label": "DSL",
"name": "dsl",
"type": "text",
"comment": "DSL"
"values": [],
"option": { "timestamps": true, "soft_deletes": true }

DSL management interface admin.png

Step 2: Add Save & Delete handler to dyform Widget

Write the Export function, declare the processor to be exported, View source

function Export() {
return { Model: "Model", Table: "Table", Save: "Save", Delete: "Delete" };

Implement Save & Delete handler logic

ProcessorDescriptionSource link
SaveConvert the dyform DSL to the model DSL, update the corresponding data model structure, and reload the corresponding instance.View source
DeleteDelete the data table corresponding to the data modelView source code

Edit tables/, add hooks scripts, update/delete data tables, create/delete menus when tables are saved and deleted.

Modify tables/ to add Hook View source code** **

"hooks": {
"after:save": "scripts.template.AfterSave",
"after:delete": "scripts.template.AfterDelete"

Add hooks script scripts/template.js View source code

AfterSaveAccording to the DSL, update the dyform data table and add a menu
DeleteDeletes the dyform table and removes the menu

Step 3: Add content source to dyform Widget

Edit widgets/dyform/compile.js , read DSL from database

* Source
* Where to get the source of DSL
function Source() {
var sources = {};
tpls = Process("models.template.Get", { select: ["id", "dsl"], limit: 1000 });
if (tpls.code && tpls.message) {
log.Error("Load dyform sources: %s", tpls.message);
return sources;
tpls.forEach((tpl) => {
tpl = tpl || {};
try {
instance = `instance_${}`;
dsl = JSON.parse(tpl.dsl);
sources[instance] = dsl;
} catch (e) {
log.Error("Source %v DSL: %s",, e.message);
return sources;

Compile.js method description View documentation

SourceCustom DSL data source read logic
CompileAdjust DSL structure or prepare related resources based on context or environment information
OnLoadThis method is called when the DSL is loaded.


Log in to the management background and dynamically add dyform DSL to dynamically create and delete corresponding forms. admin2.png res.png

Part III: Visual Form Editor

The form DSL can be generated using the form authoring tool. There are many excellent open source form editors to choose from, such as XXXX. In order to demonstrate the effect, XGEN quickly implements a DEMO-level editor component, and the product-level implementation will Available when XGEN-NEXT (official version) is released. Source address: []( /components/form/FormPrinter) image.png

Step 1: Adapt the editor component input and output

Add Hook to template table to transform DSL structure. Edit tables/ file, scripts/template.js file

Add **before:save** hook Convert editor component output to form DSL tables/

"hooks": {
"before:save": "scripts.template.BeforeSave",
"after:save": "scripts.template.AfterSave",
"after:delete": "scripts.template.AfterDelete"


* BeforSave Hook: transform the form editor data to the DSL
* @param {*} payload
function BeforeSave(payload) {
payload = payload || {};
columns = payload.dsl || [];
payload["dsl"] = { columns: [], name: || "UNTITLE" };
columns.forEach((column) => {
let type = || "";
title: column.title || "UNTITLE",
name: column.bind,
type: type.toLowerCase(),
props: column.props || {},
payload["dsl"] = JSON.stringify(payload["dsl"]);
return [payload];

tips : But use the yao run command to debug for example:

yao run scripts.template.BeforeSave '::{"dsl":...}'

Add **after:find** hook Convert form DSL to component input structure


"hooks": {
"after:find": "scripts.template.AfterFind",
"before:save": "scripts.template.BeforeSave",
"after:save": "scripts.template.AfterSave",
"after:delete": "scripts.template.AfterDelete"


* AfterFind Hook: transform the DSL format to the form editor needs
* @param {*} id
* @param {*} template
function AfterFind(template, id) {
let dsl = JSON.parse(template["dsl"]);
let columns = dsl.columns || [];
let types = { input: "Input", select: "Select" };
template["dsl"] = [];
columns.forEach((column) => {
// let props = column.props || {};
// let search = props.showSearch ? true : false;
title: column.title,
id: types[column.type],
props: column.props || {},
search: true,
width: 6,
chosen: false,
selected: false,
return template;

Step 2: Update the components bound by the DSL

Edit the tables/ file and set the DSL field editing component to FormPrinter. Source address: []( /

"Form Editor": {
"label": "Form Editor",
"edit": { "type": "FormPrinter", "props": { "value": ":dsl" } }


Open the templates table, click Edit a template, you can use the visual editor to make the form. image.png

Part IV: Make a C-side form page

For C-side pages such as event registration and appointment registration, personalized design is required to improve user experience. For such scenarios, a set of templates can be designed and implemented using any front-end technology stack. Here is a demo of VUE3 implementation. Source address:

Step 1: Add an API to read table configuration information

Add a GET /page/form/setting/:name API, under the apis folder, add a page.http.json file, add an interface, the first parameter is the form name.

"name": "Table Setting",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "Table Setting",
"group": "page",
"guard": "-",
"paths": [
"path": "/form/setting/:name",
"method": "GET",
"guard": "-",
"process": "xiang.table.Setting",
"in": ["$", ":query"],
"out": { "status": 200, "type": "application/json" }

Source address: []( /page.http.json)

Step 2: During SETUP, request to configure the interface to obtain configuration information.

const url = `${window.location.protocol}//${}/api/page/form/setting/${formName}`;
const response = fetch(url);
.then((res) => {
return res.json();
.then((data) => {
formTitle.value =;
const fieldset = data?.edit?.layout?.fieldset || [];
const columns = fieldset.length > 0 ? fieldset[0]?.columns : [];
const mapping = data?.columns || {};
columns.forEach((col: any) => {
let column = mapping[] || false;
if (column?.edit) {
let name = column.edit.props?.value || "";
column.edit.label =;
column.edit.field = name.replace(":", "");
column.edit.type = components[column.edit.type];
loading.value = true;
.catch((err) => {
console.log("ERR", err);
failure.value = err.message;

Source address: []( /main/vue3/src/App.vue)

Step 3: Dynamically render the form

Use the component component to render the form according to the configuration

<div v-if="loading">
<div class="header">{{ formTitle }}</div>
<div class="form-item" v-for="item of formItems" :key="item.label">
<div class="label">{{ item.label }}</div>
<component :is="item.type" :name="item.field"></component>
<div class="form-item" v-if="formItems">
<button class="button" type="button">Submit</button>
<div v-else-if="failure" class="failure">{{ failure }}</div>
<div v-else>

Source address: []( /main/vue3/src/App.vue)

Step 4: Copy artifacts to UI directory

YAO has a built-in HTTP server, which can be accessed by copying the product to the ui directory

npm run build
cp -r dist ../demo-widget/ui/vue3

Source address:


Open the browser, enter http://your-host:port/xiang/login/admin to enter the background, enter and save a form. Default username: Default password: A123456p+


Open http://your-host:port/vue3/?form=dyform.instance_1 to access the custom form page image.png

Use YAO Widget to create a dynamic forms system

​​70% of the functions of most business systems and admin panel are the addition, deletion, modification. The implementation of these functions is mainly based on copying and pasting modified fields. This article will try to write such functionality in a more elegant "copy-paste" way. If you want to say goodbye to tedious repetitive work, or you need to build your own cloud form system, the following content can help you.


Through the form editor, online design and production of form function modules. Function modules suitable for user management, supplier management, order management and other form CURD operations.



Source address:

One-click deployment:

build tools

YAO App Engine

YAO is an open-source application engine, written in Golang, in the form of a command-line tool that can be downloaded and used immediately. It is suitable for developing business systems, website/APP API, admin panel, self-built low-code platforms, etc.

YAO adopts a flow-based programming model to implement various functions by writing YAO DSL (Logical Description in JSON format) or using JavaScript to write processes. The YAO DSL can be written in several ways:

  1. Purely hand-written

  2. Use automated scripts to generate contextual logic

  3. Use the visual editor to create by "drag and drop"

GitHub Repo: Github Stars: 4.3K License: Apache 2.0 Documentation:

YAO Widget

YAO abstracts common function modules into widgets, describes differences through YAO DSL, and quickly replicates various functions. During development, if you develop a similar function module, you need to copy and paste the existing functions and replace the differences in batches. YAO provides a new way to use DSL to describe the difference content and quickly "copy and paste" a function module to improve development efficiency.

YAO has a built-in set of Widgets, covering most of the common functions of application development.

Built-in WidgetFunction
modelData Structure Modeling
flowData logic arrangement
tabletable CURD
chartdata chart
loginUser login
registerUser registration
taskConcurrent tasks
scheduleScheduled tasks

Widget supports developer customization, which can customize DSL based on its own business logic characteristics, and quickly copy various general functions. This article will implement a cloud table system by custom Widget.

Actual combat: Simple and practical cloud form system

Part I: Making a dyform Widget

Preparation: Install the YAO command

To read the following content, you need to have basic programming ability, familiar with RESTFul API, relational database, JavaScript language and other programming common sense. Reference Document Getting Started Guide, install the YAO command (version: v0.10.1) locally, and be familiar with the basic usage.

Create a project:

# Create a project folder
mkdir -p /your/project/root
# Initialize the project
yao init
# Create data table & initialize menu
yao migrate && yao run flows.setmenu

Step 1: Design the Widge DSL structure

Design the DSL structure according to the business logic features. In this example, the differences between different tables are table fields, searchers, and table names. dyform Widget DSL data structure:

"name": "TEST",
"decription": "A TEST DYFORM",
"columns": [
"title": "First Name",
"name": "name",
"type": "input",
"search": true,
"props": {
"placeholder": "Please input your first name"
"title": "Amount",
"name": "amount",
"type": "input",
"search": true,
"props": {
"placeholder": "Please input amount"
"title": "Description",
"name": "desc",
"type": "textArea",
"props": {
"placeholder": "Please input Description"


titleThe title displayed in the table
nameField name, corresponding to database field name
typeThe component used when filling out the form
propsComponent properties
searchWhether this field can be used as a filter item

Create a dyforms file for saving the DSL

cd /your/project/root
mkdir dyforms

Save the above DSL to the dyforms/demo.form.json file for debugging.

Step 2: Create the dyform Widget

Create the dyform widget:

cd /your/project/root
mkdir -p widgets/dyform
# create widget file
touch widgets/dyform/widget.json # Widget basic information
touch widgets/dyform/compile.js # dyform DSL compiler
touch widgets/dyform/process.js # dyform handler
touch widgets/dyform/export.js # dyform exports built-in widget definitions

Tip: YAO custom widgets are placed in the widgets directory, which needs to be created manually.

Use an editor to open dyform/widget.json and fill in the basic information of the dyform widget

"label": "Dynamic Form",
"description": "A form widget. users can design forms online",
"version": "0.1.0",
"root": "dyforms",
"extension": ".form.json",
"modules": ["Models", "Tables"]

Field Description:

Configuration ItemsDescription
labelWidget name, displayed in the visual editor.
descriptionWidget introduction, displayed in the visual editor.
versionversion number
rootDSL file save path (relative to the project root directory)
extensionDSL file extension
modulesModules that need to be exported. According to the DSL description in export.js, the converted YAO built-in widgets. Such as model, table, etc. These widgets are equivalent to DSL files saved in the project directory.

Step 3: Write the dyform handler

Write dyform/process.js script, implement Model, Table processor, convert custom DSL into YAO data model widget and table widget.

Write the Export function, declare the processor to be exported, View source

function Export() {
return { Model: "Model", Table: "Table" };

Implement Model & Table processor logic

ProcessorDescriptionSource link
ModelConvert dyform DSL to model DSL, which is equivalent to manually writing a xxx.mod.json DSL file in the models folder[View source]( main/widgets/dyform/process.js#L11)
TableConvert dyform DSL to table DSL, which is equivalent to manually writing a xxx..json DSL file in the tables folder[View source]( /widgets/dyform/process.js#L27)

Tip: It is recommended to use the yao run command to debug the processor, refer to the source code comment documentation.

Step 4: Export as Model & Table widget

Write dyform/export.js script, implement Models, Tables functions, export as YAO model & table widgets.

Export functionDescriptionSource code link
ModelsCall the Model processor to export the Yao model widget, the data structure is {MODEL_NAME:String: Model_DSL:Object}[View source code]( /dyform/export.js#L10)
TablesCall the Table processor, export it as Yao table widget, the data structure is: {TABLE_NAME:String: Table_DSL:Object}[View source code]( /widgets/dyform/export.js#L24)


In the dyforms folder, add the xxx.form.json file and write the dyform DSL description file to quickly create a set of form management modules, form APIs, form processors and model processors.


Use the yao migrate command to create the data table structure, the yao start command to start the service, and log in to the management interface to use the table management function. Routing address:

Part II: Save the dyform DSL to the database for dynamic read and write

If you want to open the form making function to the user, and the code directory should be set to read-only under normal circumstances, it is impossible to dynamically create a DSL file. With a little modification to the dyform widget, save the dyform DSL in the database.

Step 1: Create a template model to store the dyform DSL

How to create and use data models models/template.mod.json and manage tables tables/, refer to Model and Table

models/template.mod.json is as follows

"name": "Template",
"table": { "name": "template", "comment": "For dyform DSL source" },
"columns": [
{ "label": "ID", "name": "id", "type": "ID", "comment": "ID" },
{ "label": "Name", "name": "name", "type": "string", "index": true },
"label": "DSL",
"name": "dsl",
"type": "text",
"comment": "DSL"
"values": [],
"option": { "timestamps": true, "soft_deletes": true }

DSL management interface admin.png

Step 2: Add Save & Delete handler to dyform Widget

Write the Export function, declare the processor to be exported, View source

function Export() {
return { Model: "Model", Table: "Table", Save: "Save", Delete: "Delete" };

Implement Save & Delete handler logic

ProcessorDescriptionSource link
SaveConvert the dyform DSL to the model DSL, update the corresponding data model structure, and reload the corresponding instance.View source
DeleteDelete the data table corresponding to the data modelView source code

Edit tables/, add hooks scripts, update/delete data tables, create/delete menus when tables are saved and deleted.

Modify tables/ to add Hook View source code** **

"hooks": {
"after:save": "scripts.template.AfterSave",
"after:delete": "scripts.template.AfterDelete"

Add hooks script scripts/template.js View source code

AfterSaveAccording to the DSL, update the dyform data table and add a menu
DeleteDeletes the dyform table and removes the menu

Step 3: Add content source to dyform Widget

Edit widgets/dyform/compile.js , read DSL from database

* Source
* Where to get the source of DSL
function Source() {
var sources = {};
tpls = Process("models.template.Get", { select: ["id", "dsl"], limit: 1000 });
if (tpls.code && tpls.message) {
log.Error("Load dyform sources: %s", tpls.message);
return sources;
tpls.forEach((tpl) => {
tpl = tpl || {};
try {
instance = `instance_${}`;
dsl = JSON.parse(tpl.dsl);
sources[instance] = dsl;
} catch (e) {
log.Error("Source %v DSL: %s",, e.message);
return sources;

Compile.js method description View documentation

SourceCustom DSL data source read logic
CompileAdjust DSL structure or prepare related resources based on context or environment information
OnLoadThis method is called when the DSL is loaded.


Log in to the management background and dynamically add dyform DSL to dynamically create and delete corresponding forms. admin2.png res.png

Part III: Visual Form Editor

The form DSL can be generated using the form authoring tool. There are many excellent open source form editors to choose from, such as XXXX. In order to demonstrate the effect, XGEN quickly implements a DEMO-level editor component, and the product-level implementation will Available when XGEN-NEXT (official version) is released. Source address: []( /components/form/FormPrinter) image.png

Step 1: Adapt the editor component input and output

Add Hook to template table to transform DSL structure. Edit tables/ file, scripts/template.js file

Add **before:save** hook Convert editor component output to form DSL tables/

"hooks": {
"before:save": "scripts.template.BeforeSave",
"after:save": "scripts.template.AfterSave",
"after:delete": "scripts.template.AfterDelete"


* BeforSave Hook: transform the form editor data to the DSL
* @param {*} payload
function BeforeSave(payload) {
payload = payload || {};
columns = payload.dsl || [];
payload["dsl"] = { columns: [], name: || "UNTITLE" };
columns.forEach((column) => {
let type = || "";
title: column.title || "UNTITLE",
name: column.bind,
type: type.toLowerCase(),
props: column.props || {},
payload["dsl"] = JSON.stringify(payload["dsl"]);
return [payload];

tips : But use the yao run command to debug for example:

yao run scripts.template.BeforeSave '::{"dsl":...}'

Add **after:find** hook Convert form DSL to component input structure


"hooks": {
"after:find": "scripts.template.AfterFind",
"before:save": "scripts.template.BeforeSave",
"after:save": "scripts.template.AfterSave",
"after:delete": "scripts.template.AfterDelete"


* AfterFind Hook: transform the DSL format to the form editor needs
* @param {*} id
* @param {*} template
function AfterFind(template, id) {
let dsl = JSON.parse(template["dsl"]);
let columns = dsl.columns || [];
let types = { input: "Input", select: "Select" };
template["dsl"] = [];
columns.forEach((column) => {
// let props = column.props || {};
// let search = props.showSearch ? true : false;
title: column.title,
id: types[column.type],
props: column.props || {},
search: true,
width: 6,
chosen: false,
selected: false,
return template;

Step 2: Update the components bound by the DSL

Edit the tables/ file and set the DSL field editing component to FormPrinter. Source address: []( /

"Form Editor": {
"label": "Form Editor",
"edit": { "type": "FormPrinter", "props": { "value": ":dsl" } }


Open the templates table, click Edit a template, you can use the visual editor to make the form. image.png

Part IV: Make a C-side form page

For C-side pages such as event registration and appointment registration, personalized design is required to improve user experience. For such scenarios, a set of templates can be designed and implemented using any front-end technology stack. Here is a demo of VUE3 implementation. Source address:

Step 1: Add an API to read table configuration information

Add a GET /page/form/setting/:name API, under the apis folder, add a page.http.json file, add an interface, the first parameter is the form name.

"name": "Table Setting",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "Table Setting",
"group": "page",
"guard": "-",
"paths": [
"path": "/form/setting/:name",
"method": "GET",
"guard": "-",
"process": "xiang.table.Setting",
"in": ["$", ":query"],
"out": { "status": 200, "type": "application/json" }

Source address: []( /page.http.json)

Step 2: During SETUP, request to configure the interface to obtain configuration information.

const url = `${window.location.protocol}//${}/api/page/form/setting/${formName}`;
const response = fetch(url);
.then((res) => {
return res.json();
.then((data) => {
formTitle.value =;
const fieldset = data?.edit?.layout?.fieldset || [];
const columns = fieldset.length > 0 ? fieldset[0]?.columns : [];
const mapping = data?.columns || {};
columns.forEach((col: any) => {
let column = mapping[] || false;
if (column?.edit) {
let name = column.edit.props?.value || "";
column.edit.label =;
column.edit.field = name.replace(":", "");
column.edit.type = components[column.edit.type];
loading.value = true;
.catch((err) => {
console.log("ERR", err);
failure.value = err.message;

Source address: []( /main/vue3/src/App.vue)

Step 3: Dynamically render the form

Use the component component to render the form according to the configuration

<div v-if="loading">
<div class="header">{{ formTitle }}</div>
<div class="form-item" v-for="item of formItems" :key="item.label">
<div class="label">{{ item.label }}</div>
<component :is="item.type" :name="item.field"></component>
<div class="form-item" v-if="formItems">
<button class="button" type="button">Submit</button>
<div v-else-if="failure" class="failure">{{ failure }}</div>
<div v-else>

Source address: []( /main/vue3/src/App.vue)

Step 4: Copy artifacts to UI directory

YAO has a built-in HTTP server, which can be accessed by copying the product to the ui directory

npm run build
cp -r dist ../demo-widget/ui/vue3

Source address:


Open the browser, enter http://your-host:port/xiang/login/admin to enter the background, enter and save a form. Default username: Default password: A123456p+


Open http://your-host:port/vue3/?form=dyform.instance_1 to access the custom form page image.png