Store cache

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Cache is an essential function of every system. We can use Yao's own cache function to store some temporary data.

handler list

cache.SetSet cache content-
cache.GetGet cache content-

Naming conventions

"name": "Cache",
"description": "Cache Description",
"type": "lru",
"option": {}

DSL structure

typeType: lru


Step 1: Create a new cache script file

Store uses cache, add file stores/cache.lru.json:

Application directory structure:

├── apis # Used to store interface description files
├── models # Used to store data model description files
├── db
└── stores # is used to store the cache directory
└── app.json

Step 2: Write the code cache.lru.json:

"name": "LRU Cache",
"description": "LRU cache",
"type": "lru",
"option": { "size": 102400 }

Step 3: Use the cache in any JS file, Set to set the cache, Get to get the cached data, and create a new scripts/test.js

function cacheOperation() {
var cache = new Store("cache");
cache.Set("key", "for bar .....");
var cache_info = cache.Get("key");
return cache_info;

run yao run scripts.test.cacheOperation

Introduce cache: new Store("cache"), set cache: cache.Set, get cache cache.Get("key")

Store cache

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Cache is an essential function of every system. We can use Yao's own cache function to store some temporary data.

handler list

cache.SetSet cache content-
cache.GetGet cache content-

Naming conventions

"name": "Cache",
"description": "Cache Description",
"type": "lru",
"option": {}

DSL structure

typeType: lru


Step 1: Create a new cache script file

Store uses cache, add file stores/cache.lru.json:

Application directory structure:

├── apis # Used to store interface description files
├── models # Used to store data model description files
├── db
└── stores # is used to store the cache directory
└── app.json

Step 2: Write the code cache.lru.json:

"name": "LRU Cache",
"description": "LRU cache",
"type": "lru",
"option": { "size": 102400 }

Step 3: Use the cache in any JS file, Set to set the cache, Get to get the cached data, and create a new scripts/test.js

function cacheOperation() {
var cache = new Store("cache");
cache.Set("key", "for bar .....");
var cache_info = cache.Get("key");
return cache_info;

run yao run scripts.test.cacheOperation

Introduce cache: new Store("cache"), set cache: cache.Set, get cache cache.Get("key")