App.json Application Description

A description of application-related information, including key information such as the application logo, page title, and login jump intersection.


Note: app.json should be defined first when building an app, as it contains many prerequisites for the app's UI to work.
"xgen": "1.0",
"name": "::Demo Application",
"short": "::Demo",
"description": "::Another yao application",
"version": "0.10.2",
"menu": {
"process": "",
"args": ["demo"]
"optional": {
"hideNotification": true,
"hideSetting": false


interface IProps {
/** Application Name */
name: string
/** application description */
description?: string
/** Brand logo, default is Yao's logo */
logo?: string
/** favicon, default is Yao's favicon */
favicon?: string
/** xgen running mode, note: it will affect the user experience */
mode?: 'development' | 'production'
/** api prefix, default is __yao */
apiPrefix?: string
token?: {
/** token storage method */
storage: 'sessionStorage' | 'localStorage'
optional?: {
/** Hide the navigation bar notification icon */
hideNotification?: boolean
/** Hide the navigation bar settings icon */
hideSetting?: boolean

App.json Application Description

A description of application-related information, including key information such as the application logo, page title, and login jump intersection.


Note: app.json should be defined first when building an app, as it contains many prerequisites for the app's UI to work.
"xgen": "1.0",
"name": "::Demo Application",
"short": "::Demo",
"description": "::Another yao application",
"version": "0.10.2",
"menu": {
"process": "",
"args": ["demo"]
"optional": {
"hideNotification": true,
"hideSetting": false


interface IProps {
/** Application Name */
name: string
/** application description */
description?: string
/** Brand logo, default is Yao's logo */
logo?: string
/** favicon, default is Yao's favicon */
favicon?: string
/** xgen running mode, note: it will affect the user experience */
mode?: 'development' | 'production'
/** api prefix, default is __yao */
apiPrefix?: string
token?: {
/** token storage method */
storage: 'sessionStorage' | 'localStorage'
optional?: {
/** Hide the navigation bar notification icon */
hideNotification?: boolean
/** Hide the navigation bar settings icon */
hideSetting?: boolean