

  • name: table name

  • layout.primary: primary key

  • layout.header?: Header

  • layout.filter?: Filter

  • layout.table.props?: Antd TableProps (optional)

  • layout.table.columns: field description (Array<BaseColumn>)

  • layout.table.operation: data item operation

    • width?: Action bar width

    • hide?: whether to hide

    • fold?: whether to fold

    • actions: Actions

  • fields.filter: Fields

  • fields.table: Fields


Some settings at the top of the page.

interface Header {
preset: {
batch?: {
columns: Array<Common.WideColumn>
deletable: boolean
import?: {
api: {
setting: string
mapping: string
preview: string
import: string
mapping_setting_model: string
preview_setting_model: string
operation: Array<any>
actions?: Array<{
title: string
icon: string
props: {
type: string
payload: any


Filter settings for the table and some operations related to the table as a whole (only Common.historyPush and Common.openModal are supported).

interface Filter {
columns: Array<Common.WideColumn>
actions?: Actions
interface WideColumn {
name: string
width: number


interface BaseColumn {
name: string
width?: number

Tabs will be rendered to support switching tab bars.


"name": "::Pet Admin",
"action": {
"bind": { "model": "pet", "option": { "withs": { "doctor": {} } } },
"before:search": "",
"search": { "process": "", "default": [null, 1, 15] },
"after:search": "",
"find": { "guard": "-" },
"get": { "guard": "bearer-jwt," },
"save": {},
"delete": {}
"layout": {
"primary": "id",
"header": {
"preset": {
"batch": {
"columns": [
{ "name": "name", "width": 12 },
{ "name": "consumption amount", "width": 12 },
{ "name": "Admission Status", "width": 12 }
"deletable": true
"import": {
"name": "pet",
"operation": [{ "title": "Jump", "link": "" }]
"filter": {
"columns": [
{ "name": "name", "width": 4 },
{ "name": "state", "width": 4 }
"actions": [
"title": "Add pet",
"icon": "icon-plus",
"width": 3,
"action": {
"Common.openModal": {
"width": 640,
"Form": { "type": "edit", "model": "pet" }
"table": {
"columns": [
{ "name": "Name" },
{ "name": "Consumption Amount" },
{ "name": "Admission Status" }
"operation": {
"fold": false,
"width": 255,
"actions": [
"title": "View",
"icon": "icon-eye",
"action": {
"Common.openModal": {
"width": 640,
"Form": { "type": "view", "model": "pet" }
"title": "Edit",
"icon": "icon-edit-2",
"action": {
"Common.openModal": {
"Form": { "type": "edit", "model": "pet" }
"title": "Cure",
"icon": "icon-check",
"action": {
"": { "id": ":id", "status": "cured" }
"style": "success",
"confirm": {
"title": "Prompt",
"desc": "Confirm to change to healing state?"
"title": "View Details",
"icon": "icon-book-open",
"action": {
"Common.historyPush": {
"pathname": "/x/Form/pet/:id/edit"
"title": "Return to previous page",
"icon": "icon-arrow-left",
"action": { "Common.historyBack": {} }
"title": "Delete",
"icon": "icon-trash-2",
"action": { "Table.delete": {} },
"style": "danger",
"confirm": {
"title": "Tips",
"desc": "Confirm the deletion, the data cannot be recovered after deletion?"
"fields": {
"filter": {
"name": {
"bind": "",
"edit": {
"type": "Input",
"props": { "placeholder": "Please enter a pet name" }
"state": {
"bind": "",
"edit": {
"type": "Select",
"props": {
"xProps": {
"$remote": {
"process": "",
"query": { "select": ["id", "name"] }
"table": {
"name": {
"bind": "name",
"view": { "bind": "cost", "type": "Text", "props": {} },
"edit": {
"type": "Input",
"bind": "cost",
"props": { "placeholder": "Please enter pet name {{id}}" }
"Admission Status": {
"bind": "status",
"view": {
"type": "Tag",
"props": {
"xProps": {
"$remote": {
"process": "",
"query": { "select": ["id", "name"] }
"pure": true
"edit": {
"type": "Select",
"props": {
"xProps": {
"$remote": {
"process": "",
"query": { "select": ["id", "name"] }
"state": {
"bind": "mode",
"view": {
"type": "Switch",
"props": {
"checkedValue": "enabled",
"unCheckedValue": "disabled",
"checkedChildren": "On",
"unCheckedChildren": "Close"
"Amount of consumption": {
"bind": "cost",
"view": { "type": "Text", "props": {} },
"edit": { "type": "Input", "props": {} }



  • name: table name

  • layout.primary: primary key

  • layout.header?: Header

  • layout.filter?: Filter

  • layout.table.props?: Antd TableProps (optional)

  • layout.table.columns: field description (Array<BaseColumn>)

  • layout.table.operation: data item operation

    • width?: Action bar width

    • hide?: whether to hide

    • fold?: whether to fold

    • actions: Actions

  • fields.filter: Fields

  • fields.table: Fields


Some settings at the top of the page.

interface Header {
preset: {
batch?: {
columns: Array<Common.WideColumn>
deletable: boolean
import?: {
api: {
setting: string
mapping: string
preview: string
import: string
mapping_setting_model: string
preview_setting_model: string
operation: Array<any>
actions?: Array<{
title: string
icon: string
props: {
type: string
payload: any


Filter settings for the table and some operations related to the table as a whole (only Common.historyPush and Common.openModal are supported).

interface Filter {
columns: Array<Common.WideColumn>
actions?: Actions
interface WideColumn {
name: string
width: number


interface BaseColumn {
name: string
width?: number

Tabs will be rendered to support switching tab bars.


"name": "::Pet Admin",
"action": {
"bind": { "model": "pet", "option": { "withs": { "doctor": {} } } },
"before:search": "",
"search": { "process": "", "default": [null, 1, 15] },
"after:search": "",
"find": { "guard": "-" },
"get": { "guard": "bearer-jwt," },
"save": {},
"delete": {}
"layout": {
"primary": "id",
"header": {
"preset": {
"batch": {
"columns": [
{ "name": "name", "width": 12 },
{ "name": "consumption amount", "width": 12 },
{ "name": "Admission Status", "width": 12 }
"deletable": true
"import": {
"name": "pet",
"operation": [{ "title": "Jump", "link": "" }]
"filter": {
"columns": [
{ "name": "name", "width": 4 },
{ "name": "state", "width": 4 }
"actions": [
"title": "Add pet",
"icon": "icon-plus",
"width": 3,
"action": {
"Common.openModal": {
"width": 640,
"Form": { "type": "edit", "model": "pet" }
"table": {
"columns": [
{ "name": "Name" },
{ "name": "Consumption Amount" },
{ "name": "Admission Status" }
"operation": {
"fold": false,
"width": 255,
"actions": [
"title": "View",
"icon": "icon-eye",
"action": {
"Common.openModal": {
"width": 640,
"Form": { "type": "view", "model": "pet" }
"title": "Edit",
"icon": "icon-edit-2",
"action": {
"Common.openModal": {
"Form": { "type": "edit", "model": "pet" }
"title": "Cure",
"icon": "icon-check",
"action": {
"": { "id": ":id", "status": "cured" }
"style": "success",
"confirm": {
"title": "Prompt",
"desc": "Confirm to change to healing state?"
"title": "View Details",
"icon": "icon-book-open",
"action": {
"Common.historyPush": {
"pathname": "/x/Form/pet/:id/edit"
"title": "Return to previous page",
"icon": "icon-arrow-left",
"action": { "Common.historyBack": {} }
"title": "Delete",
"icon": "icon-trash-2",
"action": { "Table.delete": {} },
"style": "danger",
"confirm": {
"title": "Tips",
"desc": "Confirm the deletion, the data cannot be recovered after deletion?"
"fields": {
"filter": {
"name": {
"bind": "",
"edit": {
"type": "Input",
"props": { "placeholder": "Please enter a pet name" }
"state": {
"bind": "",
"edit": {
"type": "Select",
"props": {
"xProps": {
"$remote": {
"process": "",
"query": { "select": ["id", "name"] }
"table": {
"name": {
"bind": "name",
"view": { "bind": "cost", "type": "Text", "props": {} },
"edit": {
"type": "Input",
"bind": "cost",
"props": { "placeholder": "Please enter pet name {{id}}" }
"Admission Status": {
"bind": "status",
"view": {
"type": "Tag",
"props": {
"xProps": {
"$remote": {
"process": "",
"query": { "select": ["id", "name"] }
"pure": true
"edit": {
"type": "Select",
"props": {
"xProps": {
"$remote": {
"process": "",
"query": { "select": ["id", "name"] }
"state": {
"bind": "mode",
"view": {
"type": "Switch",
"props": {
"checkedValue": "enabled",
"unCheckedValue": "disabled",
"checkedChildren": "On",
"unCheckedChildren": "Close"
"Amount of consumption": {
"bind": "cost",
"view": { "type": "Text", "props": {} },
"edit": { "type": "Input", "props": {} }