Line chart component used to represent continuous data.
Historical trends in corporate sales.
Population growth curve.
{"income_line chart": {"bind": "income","link": "/x/Table/pet","view": {"type": "Line","props": {"cardStyle": { "padding": 0 },"type": "line","chartHeight": 120,"prefix": "¥","decimals": 2,"nameKey": "date","valueKey": "value"}}}}
export interface IProps {name: stringheight: numberx_key: stringvertical: booleantextLength: numbertextWrap: booleanhide_label?: boolean}
Properties | Description | Type | Default | Required | Version |
name | data key | string | - | yes | |
height | height | string | - | yes | |
x_key | abscissa key | string | - | yes | |
vertical | whether to display vertically | string | - | no | |
textLength | text length limit | string | - | no | |
textWrap | Whether the text exceeds the length to wrap | string | - | No | |
hide_label | hide title | string | - | no |
For more properties, see Echarts Line
Line chart component used to represent continuous data.
Historical trends in corporate sales.
Population growth curve.
{"income_line chart": {"bind": "income","link": "/x/Table/pet","view": {"type": "Line","props": {"cardStyle": { "padding": 0 },"type": "line","chartHeight": 120,"prefix": "¥","decimals": 2,"nameKey": "date","valueKey": "value"}}}}
export interface IProps {name: stringheight: numberx_key: stringvertical: booleantextLength: numbertextWrap: booleanhide_label?: boolean}
Properties | Description | Type | Default | Required | Version |
name | data key | string | - | yes | |
height | height | string | - | yes | |
x_key | abscissa key | string | - | yes | |
vertical | whether to display vertically | string | - | no | |
textLength | text length limit | string | - | no | |
textWrap | Whether the text exceeds the length to wrap | string | - | No | |
hide_label | hide title | string | - | no |
For more properties, see Echarts Line